The health sector is a sector that has no tolerance for error and where human health and service quality are of critical importance. In situations where human life is at risk, it is seen how decisive seconds are in emergencies and emergencies. In addition, mistakes that negatively affect the quality of health care also put health institutions in difficult situations. In this respect, it is inevitable to follow the duties, items, assets and fixtures that provide health care.

TBT CALLVISION, which has been serving in the health sector for more than 10 years, is proud to offer products with the most innovative and technological systems for these needs in the health sector. While TBT CALLVISION prevents errors in service quality with its products designed with IoT and RFID technologies, it ensures timely response to emergency cases with the time-critical call systems needed in emergency situations.

TBT CALLVISION Emergency Code Systems, Nurse Call Systems and Emergency Service Consultation Panel products respond to hospital call needs. In addition, it makes the health service offered in hospitals and health centers more efficient and better quality with its Goods Tracking System, Personnel Tracking System, Patient / Elderly Tracking System, Mother-Baby Tracking System products. In addition, the needs of health institutions are met with the Operating Room Control Panel, Patient Isolation Information Panel and IP Clock & Chronometer products.

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